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Let Your Passion Light Your Fire

By Élodie Roy, Grade 12
像你们中的许多人一样,我一生都生活在一个充满竞争、压力和期望的世界里. 在我生活的世界里,我的成绩和成功往往直接反映了我是谁. Navigating through this demanding and tiring reality, I've had to find what truly fulfills me, what lets me escape my overwhelming lifestyle, what genuinely makes me happy – my passion. I'm lucky enough to have two: hockey and music.
Lately, I’ve come to realize that passion is everything. Putting your heart into what you do is everything. Self-actualization is the last stage of Maslow’s hierarchy: the stage in which you find your true potential. It seems complex and abstract, but it's quite simple: find your passion, find what makes you “you,” and live for it. Happiness, success and fulfillment will follow.
当你对你的社区充满热情时,你会立刻对其他人产生更大的影响. 例如:先生. G with music, Coach Pimm with hockey, Ms. Hessian with guiding and supporting our futures. They all love what they do, and it shows, and they’ve each had an important impact on me and on many others. I aspire to do just the same.
A month or so ago, I went up to Mr. 告诉他我又一次对我的音乐表演不满意. He answered with: “Élodie, you don't have to be the best. 真正重要的是你的心和你对某件事的热情.虽然这句话有些简单,但我很少听到如此真实的话. Do you guys remember the teacher with five PhDs? 或者你还记得那位老师,他的活力和快乐每天都让你脸上挂着笑容? It all comes down to one thing: passion.
你们中的一些人可能知道,去年我入选了魁北克队,参加了与安大略省队的一系列比赛. 你们中的一些人可能也知道我今年没有参加加拿大奥运会. At the time, it was extremely hard to bear. “How can I make the team last year and not this year?” I wondered. 我可以把这归咎于教练组的变化,或者我可以低着头走路. 而不是, 我意识到一次失败不足以掩盖这项运动给我带来的好处. 我为冰球付出的全部心血和奉献让我来到了斯坦斯特德, which will lead me to my dream university, and has already led me to all these wins, 奖, memories and friendships in between. 找到你的激情,全身心地投入其中——尽管它不会总是一条直线——你永远不会后悔.
我希望你们从我的演讲中得到的是:找到“你的”东西, 有些事情你不必做到“最好”,但会让你每天都想全力以赴. Something that lights a fire in you. 不管任何分心、期望、压力或压力,你都可以依靠它. Something that fulfills you so deeply that it becomes contagious. 能激发你成长、进步和学习欲望的东西. Something that will make you, and others around you, happier.
Find your passion.